Tuesday, 31 July 2007

What a lovely day :-)

The sun is shining and it is quite warm out there so I will stay indoors, I come out in a rash if I show any skin to the sun.
Finally got my long awaited exam results. I sat the first module of the Certificate of Professional Competency, this module was 'understanding the legal and business context for road transport operations. So that was a relief, only two more modules to go, three if I decide to sit the module involving International coaching Law.

Just finished unpinning my now blocked Melon Scarf. I finished knitting on Sunday but had to wait till yesterday when I would be able to get more pins. I'm really chuffed with this, I think it looks lovely, even if I do say so myself.
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I've also managed to finish the pair of socks, details in the last post.
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I've already cast on my next pair which are for my DS2s' girlfriend. I'm knitting them using hand dyed Opal sock yarn but I'm not sure if I did it using Ashford dyes or Koolaid or if I bought it. Kathryn picked the yarn herself and I decided that seeing as there was a lot of different colours it might look better knitted in plain ol stockingstitch.
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So I'm now going to make myself a nice cup of tea and maybe start another baby cardigan :-)


natalie said...

That melon shawl is GORGEOUS.
Did it come out the size it was supposed to?
I know people who have knitted it in various yarns and got different sizes.
Must. Learn. Lace.

Knittings Nice! said...

The shawl looks great....baby knitting is nice inbetweenies. I read your grandchild is due December 29th...our DD babies are officially due December 20th...but full term for twins is generally 37 weeks...so perhaps end of November..

Anonymous said...

Wow, the Melon shawl is gorgeous. Well done.