Thursday, 4 October 2007


I used the pattern from my new Felted Knits book and the Patons Jet to knit a pair of very large mittens.
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I thought I had made them too big. Anyhoo I finished knitting them in two days and only used 3 balls of the Jet. I decided to risk throwing them in the washing machine despite what the book said about using a top loader and constantly checking the felting process, which is something you can't do with a front loader. This is the result
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They are a lovely fit and so snug and warm :D


Craftybernie said...

Nice fit! and a fabulous colour.

I have a front loader and do all my felting in that. Everything goes into a pillowcase before chucking it in.

Cinders said...

Love the gloves. they fit well. I read all that blurb about felting too! Must be the same book. But mine just gets chucked in the washing machine inside a wash bag.

Fiona Reynolds said...

They look fab, Janice. You've done a lovely job. I should dip my toe in the felting water.

blog-blethers said...

The mitts are brilliant - and isn't the whole felting process amazing (particularly when we MEAN to do it!!)