Saturday 28 July 2007

Been busy...

desperately trying to get the Melon scarf from VLT finished. I was originally supposed to be knitting the Alpine Lace scarf but my laceweight 'snapped' when I tried gently stretching it as I was knitting, I was none too chuffed I had done about 8 or 9 inches by this time. So I restarted it using another wool only for Trudie to bring it to me one day, minus the ball of wool, luckily I had only done a couple of inches but I took this as a sign from my Guardian Angel that I wasn't meant to knit this. Instead I ignored the book for a month then after much deliberation decided to knit the Melon scarf using Jamieson's Ultra in natural white and started knitting. I'm on the second long side knitting the border and that will just leave the one short end and then I will only have to block it.
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I've also been knitting a cardigan in the yellow Opal Magic. I'm using the all-in-one knit from sleeve to sleeve Opal cardigan. It's for my brothers grandson who was born a couple of weeks ago. Might also knit the beanie and socks too, will see how I feel when I get the cardi done.
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And finally the usual 'carry about in the handbag' sock project. I got quite a bit done at the hairdressers today, I was getting highlights done and I didn't fance reading any of the magazines. And they are quite handy to have when waiting at the doctors' surgery cos they are always running late. I'm knitting these using Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn in Indian Summer.
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And for some reason my lacy scarf picture is big despite me making it smaller. Never mind the trials etc of blogging.

1 comment:

Soo said...

Oooooohhhh! I just started that pattern on the weekend so I'm very keen to see yours blocked!!! I bet it will be gorgeous.